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Guardian Environmental Technologies
Call Today: (203) 885-2019
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Oil Sheen Removal…Are You Trying too hard? Can that be possible?

When it came to oil sheen removal, they were trying too hard.

No matter what Kaitlin and the company she worked for tried to do to get rid of the oil sheen on their ponds and puddles, the booms, pads and skimmers just didn’t do it.

When Kaitlin called us, she said nothing they were using for oil sheen removal could get rid of the oil sheen.  Every time they pulled their booms out of their holding pond the sheen would appear as the water dripped off the boom.  So they would have to use pads and skimmers to try to get the sheen up and even those didn’t work.

I told her it was time they started using our SheenGuard products for oil sheen removal.

The idea of rainbow oil sheen on water is a persistent problem for operations managers.  It often puts managers into over compliance mode.

We all know the federal Water Pollution Control Act prohibits discharge of water with even the slightest sheen into navigable waters.  The mere presence of an oil film or sheen on the surface of the water that is discharged into navigable waters is a violation of that act with stiff penalties.

There is an option.  And it removes every last trace of oil sheen after the standing oil is removed. This option is called “SheenGuard” and it is fool proof at getting rid of persistent rainbow and sheen.

SheenGuard products absorb and encapsulate the sheen.  This means the sheen is permanently and instantly removed so it cannot be reintroduced back into the water, as is common with polypropylene. Instantly means there is no wait time to absorb the oil, even though it is only a few microns thick.

SheenGuard products are simply placed on the surface of the water, moored to a stable point, and placed where the film or rainbow is sure to come into contact with the product. And SheenGuard products are long lasting which means you can keep them in place for long periods of time before requiring changeout.  We can even custom design SheenGuard products to cover difficult water discharges.

So, join the rainbow revolution and keep the rainbow sheen off our waters.

At Guardian Environmental Technologies we assist industries, government agencies and prime contractors who handle hazardous chemicals and oil and gas with spill control and solidification solutions.

Helping our customers choose the right product is our specialty.  Give us a call and see why our customers trust us to provide them with efficient and cost effective spill control and solidification products, 860 350-2200.