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Guardian Environmental Technologies
Call Today: (203) 885-2019

She said it’s her most powerful tool for an oil spill

“On our trucks it’s our most powerful tool for an oil spill and the best oil spill absorbent we’ve ever used.”

That’s what one of our emergency response clients said about our oil spill absorbent, PetroGuard-D and we’re blessed to hear that often from our clients.

They’re delighted they don’t have to apply it and then wait for it to work.  PetroGuard-D works instantly and is very easy to use.

When they need to get fuel oil or other lubricants off the ground PetroGuard-D immediately absorbs the hydrocarbon as soon as it comes in contact with it.

Have you ever had the problem where you used an oil spill absorbent, waited for it to work, swept it up and then had to use pads to get the sheen up?

PetroGuard-D users don’t have to use more than one product because It permanently solidifies and locks in the hydrocarbon.  You can even pick up the solidified matrix with your fingers…although we still recommend using a shovel and gloves.

Even more so, our customers have found PetroGuard-D to be extremely cost effective, easy to collect and dispose of by just incinerating or landfill.  All that saves appreciably on costs.

Oh, and did we mention that PetroGuard-D has an absorption capacity of 3 to 4 times its own weight? And, once the oil is absorbed you can run over the solidified matrix with a 10-ton truck and not get any oil out of it?  Try that with any other absorbent.

And PetroGuard-D is completely non-toxic. It can even be used in contact with food products without fear of contamination.

So, there you have it.  Call us for a quote today and let us help you save more by using less. 860 350-2200.

Click here for a quick demo video:

PetroGuard-D Oil Spill Absorbent Demo

Helping our customers choose the right product is our specialty.  Give us a call and see why our customers trust us to provide them with efficient and cost effective spill control and solidification products, 860 350-2200.

Since 1992 Guardian has helped customers enhance their overall safety and productivity by providing practical and time-saving spill response and bulk solidification products.