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Guardian Environmental Technologies
Call Today: (203) 885-2019
PetroGuard Spill Kit

Spill Control Absorbent products…..taking it to the next level!

Would you like to use fewer spill control absorbent products during your everyday facility maintenance?

Are you struggling to keep labor and supply costs down?

Well how would you like a spill control absorbent product that responds to your everyday facility maintenance needs around chemical plants faster and more efficiently?

When one of our customers went looking for a spill control absorbent product that would not leach toxic chemicals during routine facility maintenance, they came upon PetroGuard. It is a product that can be used simply and sparingly for both small and large chemical spills.

They were using standard spill control adsorption products for routine facility maintenance.  A labor efficiency study found that extra time was needed by plant maintenance staff when using the standard adsorption products. The reason was simple. Standard spill control absorption products leach toxic chemicals upon clean up so additional products and time is needed to complete the job.

Since labor efficiency is being scrutinized on every level and the chemical industry is facing reduced work forces and the need for more productivity per person has escalated.

The question of how to save money without sacrificing safety and efficiency brought our customer to use PetroGuard during most of their factory maintenance needs.

Not only is this customer saving money on labor costs, they are also saving money on over all spill control absorbent product supply costs because they use a great deal less PetroGuard compared to standard adsorption products.

Often people think polymer spill control absorption products cost more than conventional absorption products.  That is nothing more than a myth.

Without challenge, the use of polymer spill control absorption products for simple plant maintenance is a far more efficient and labor cost savings than the lesser expensive products.  It’s simple math…. less product is used and the faster, more efficient absorption saves on labor.

For more information contact Guardian Environmental Technologies at 860 350-2200.