If your facility has a sheen removal headache, this may well be your answer.
- Charles in West Virginia said “I have been using these sheen removal blankets for years and they do a great job. I keep them in place for months at a time”
- Victor in Tennessee said ” These sheen and rainbow removal blankets are extremely well designed and made. They really work and can take tough environments without coming apart”.
- Robert from the Navy in Charleston said ” We use these blankets in some critical areas and they have always done a great job”.
- Ellen in Maryland said: ” I use SheenGuard pillows in a very tight area and they adjust themselves to the conditions on the water”.
SheenGuard blankets and pillows are long lasting, very efficient and designed to stay afloat under any conditions. Our blankets and pillows can be manufactured for your specific needs regarding size and shape. We have made blankets of over 70 feet in length to cover spans across open water. Our blankets are ideal for power plants, manufacturing facilities, environmental cleanup and response projects and many more applications. We can design and build your blankets in almost any shape and size to fit your particular application.