Acyl Chloride has been added to the list of chemicals effectively treated by PetroGuard® when responding to a spill. PetroGuard’s unique effectiveness lies in how the absorption process takes place and what the result is. Absorption takes place at a molecular level, preventing or drastically reducing any further hydrolization to take place.

This means that once the chemical is absorbed, the resulting matrix can be immersed in water without any reaction occuring. This means there is no chemical reaction that takes place as a result of using PetroGuard because it is an entirely physical process, meaning there is no neutralization to worry about. Since adding a neutralizer to a highly reactive chemical often results in a violent reaction, using a benign product like PetroGuard can be a more desirable way of responding to a spill. In addition PetroGuard can be dispersed using one of our custom built blower devices. Please contact us for more information.