A small spill from a reactive chemical can escalate to a big problem quickly.

Before a small spill from a reactive chemical  turns into a big problem…read this.

Most facilities have a response plan in place to avoid unplanned events, but does it tell you to respond using kitty litter or the like?

Well if it does, what it isn’t telling you is that trying to respond to a hazardous or water reactive chemical spill can be dangerous or life threatening.

Using clay type products to respond merely adsorbs the chemical on its surface. It doesn’t control toxic vapors.

Cellulose absorbent products work great for things like oil and water but can be helpless when faced with really dangerous chemicals.

With conventional hazmat absorbent products, you soak up the spilled liquid, but do they mitigate or stop the toxic vapor production?

If you are using firefighting foam it can get complicated because there is always the issue of “what can go down the drain” or “does it cause a reaction in and of itself”?

There’s a more effective solution and it is called PetroGuard solidifying chemical spill absorbent”.  It is probably the best solution for many chemical spills.

Using PetroGuard will enhance the efficiency of your response plan because it is non-leaching, non-exothermic, and has a low volumetric increase of less than 15% therefore keeping handling and disposal costs down. Other so-called solidification products will swell to up to 27 times their volume, increasing handling and disposal volume, while requiring extended time to absorb effectively.

So, before a small spill turns into a big problem, give us a call 860 350-2200.

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