Dealing with oil sheen during critical times

As we all work to “flatten the curve”, process safety management becomes of the utmost importance. It’s times like this, when supply chain inventories are uncertain and labor power is stretched, that corporate management’s understanding and commitment to safety is vital.

We’ve all heard stories of lessons learned during difficult times.  For instance, when basic housekeeping activities were skipped over resulting in risks to workers, first responders, and the environment.

A case in point might be when reduced labor forces inhibit efficiency resulting in something like an oil sheen on discharge water, holding ponds or other bodies of water.

There are simple solutions that can minimize operational burdens.

For example, products you can place on the surface of the water and leave there for a long time.  This eliminates the need for frequent change outs which take valuable labor power away from operational demands and for maintaining inventories of polypropylene booms.

We are talking about our SheenGuard blankets and pillows.  These are very simple solutions that can help you “cover your bases”.

Once SheenGuard blankets and pillows are placed on the water, you can pretty much leave them alone for up to 3 months. All you have to do is place them in the water, keep them free of silt and debris and let them absorb and encapsulate the sheen.

Once the oil sheen comes into direct contact with the blanket, it is then instantly absorbed and permanently locked. So, no worries about it re-releasing oil, even under pressure, as is the case with polypropylene booms. Poly booms certainly have their place in the world of spill response, but they are practically useless in removing oil sheen from water.

This is a challenging time for all of us.  If we have learned anything from COVID-19 it is that preparation is key.  Your labor force deserves the best materials available to work with.  Give us a call (860 350-2200) and let’s see how we can help you evaluate your situation so you can mitigate any problems down the line.